A Powerful Paint Sprayer Is A Must Have Tool For Your Painting Needs

In this article, I want to look at the PaintStar paint sprayer. First of all, my first experience with PaintStar was when my old dad introduced me to his. He had bought the PaintStar Platinum in the hopes of saving money. Well, boy was he wrong! He bought one, got hooked and started spraying anything and everything.
At first, bought the Wagner Flexible 590, taught myself how to correctly use the paint sprayer. After only a few months, bought the HomeRight Super Finish Max paint sprayer, finally clicked attach to cart and it was at hand. have owned Wagner Flexible paint sprayer for over 2 years, have owned the HomeRight Super Finish Max paint sprayer for about 6 months. What a difference! It's turned into an every day item, and my spraying has improved vastly.
Like all paint sprayers, you need to clean your machine regularly. You should try to use the same type and brand of cleaners that you used on the paint. The Wagner Procoat is a great cleaner for paint sprayers. I have been using it consistently for the last few months, and love it. I do recommend using the Wagner Procoat for paint jobs that are bigger in size, and spraying larger items.
A little more thought needs to go into cleaning your Homerun Flexi-Pro, other than the obvious. I usually recommend taking it apart, removing the storage tank, cleaning the paint channels on the gun and spraying again. The thing about the Homerun is that the gun is rather difficult to clean when it is sitting in one place. Unless you plan on taking the gun apart and starting over, I suggest cleaning the gun with water and some cleaners.
If you're a cheapskate, you can always paint over the Homerun parts with an oil based lubricant. Some of the parts have flow control nozzles, so this isn't necessary. Once the parts are cleaned, spray the nozzles with the mineral spirits and let them sit for thirty minutes. This will insure no moisture gets through the nozzles and you get great results with your spraying. I still recommend spraying the nozzles a couple of times before the paint is completely dry.
The same holds true for other Graco products, such as their cribbage and squirt guns. For the most part, they are easy to take apart, clean, spray, and then reassemble. The only caution I have is that sometimes the ink will bleed through the paper, especially with squirt guns. While the bleeding may be frustrating, you can easily cover it up by using tissue paper.
With either the Homerun or the brass spray tips, it's not hard to complete a good cleanup job on your kid's room. All you need is some patience and the proper tools. It's always best to start with the easier models and work your way up to the larger more powerful models. There's nothing worse than working your way up to the fastest model available. That's why it's important to keep all the paint brushes, nozzles, parts, etc.
As far as safety goes, both the Homerun and the Hvlp paint sprayers are well made. It's just like any other paint sprayer that you would buy. The only difference between the Homerun and the Hvlp is that the Homerun comes with a shorter hose, allowing you to paint a smaller area. Plus, the smaller hose means a safer job with less possibility of paint sprayer error.
For a beginner, there aren't many major differences between the Homerun and the other paint sprayers. They use a similar paint sprayer nozzle that is also different in size. The only main difference is that the hose on the Homerun is much longer. While this might bother some people, especially those who have smaller hands, it really isn't a huge problem. It also ensures a quality finish and allows you to complete your projects quicker.
If you are looking for a powerful paint sprayer and don't want to spend a fortune, the Homerun and the Hvlp paint sprayer are both great options. The only real difference between these two paint sprayers is their power, which is determined by the type of paint being used. When you compare the power of each paint sprayer, you'll quickly see that the Homerun is much more powerful, but both are equally useful for covering large areas. If you are a beginner, a good choice is the Homerun latex paint because it is less toxic, less flammable, and is also easier to clean.
Both of the paint sprayers mentioned above come with various accessories, such as adjustable pressure, tip adjustments, and replacement paint caps. These accessories vary from one brand to another, and you will need to research each model to see what accessories it comes with. After you find the one that suits your needs best, you'll need to make sure that it comes with an adjustable air hose and has a rubber nozzles that are not too harsh on the skin. Paint sprayers have become much more powerful in recent years, and you should consider purchasing one if you are looking for a quality, professional-grade tool.