A Nonstick, Ninja Air Fryer Review

One of the best and most nutritious meals you can prepare is the Ninja Air Fryer. There are many health benefits of using an air-fryer for your home meals. All conventional ovens use a cooking mechanism and a hot fan to circulate the cooling air through the oven and cook the food in a sealed bag or in a roasting pan over high heat. Only when there is enough space for all the air to get to all sides of your food can the fast circulating of the heated air to create the wonderful effect of deep frying. The Ninja Air Fryer creates this benefit by using two different and separate fans that circulate the cooking air in two different parts of the air Fryer.
For every one square inch of food cooked in this little fryer, thirty to fifty grams of saturated fat can be reduced from the normal amount of fifteen grams. This translates into significant savings of both money and health. An average four ounce serving of fried food uses forty calories of oil and fifteen grams of protein. The sixty-five percent decrease in fat is made up for by the reduction of sixty-eight calories of sugar.
A hot air fryer is not only a great kitchen tool but is also easy to store away for quick future use. The compact size allows you to keep them in any room of your house. The Ninja Air Fryer makes it easy to bring your favorite foods out for a family dinner. No longer do you have to use a large pan to cook your favorite foods, because now you can simply grab your little air fryer and get to enjoy your favorite foods right from the kitchen table.
You will also find many other health benefits associated with these mini air fryers that make them an excellent health investment. Like with all mini appliances, the makers of these items are able to offer users a wide range of temperature settings which allows users to adjust the temperatures to their liking. There are five temperature presets that allow for individual likes such as having your chicken wings fried to perfection or having your vegetables crisp.
The makers of these items also offer a two year limited warranty on the product, which extends to its construction and operation. They even offer twenty-four hour customer support during which someone will be available twenty-four hours per day seven days per week to help with any questions or concerns regarding your product. The twenty-four hour customer service team is located in the United States and is operated solely by a single employee who resides in California. This is important because it gives the air fryer consumer, like myself, peace of mind knowing they will be immediately assisted should there ever be a question or concern regarding their product.
One of the most popular units that are available is the ninja air fryer, which is equipped with five different presets. Each of these five different presets offers a unique combination of flavors. Some of these flavors include French Vanilla, Greek yogurt, banana chocolate pudding. The fact that there are so many options to choose from is what makes the entire experience so fun. Rather than being stuck with one of the blandest possible foods available, the ability to switch out your food gives you flexibility.
Another feature of these mini air fryers that really caught my attention was the in-built fans that help circulate the cooking oil that helps to keep it from sticking to the sides of your food. One of the biggest complaints I have had with these tiny little fryers is that they tend to lose their shape and sometimes collapse altogether. These issues have been resolved by the makers of these items including in their ninja air fryer reviews.
In my final ninja air fryer review I would have to say that this product is extremely affordable. The price is very reasonable, even when compared to other popular brands of these little kitchen appliances. The durability of this unit along with the nonstick tray combined with the five different pre-set flavors ensure that you won't be wasting any money on buying this product.